Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Igor Grimmich
7 artworks
Jeroným Grmela
9 artworks
Anna Grmelová
126 artworks
Bohumila Grögerová
1 artwork
Pavel Gromnickij
1 artwork
William Gropper
1 artwork
František Gross
403 artworks
Elzbieta Grosseová
2 artworks
Rudolf Grossmann
3 artworks
Ivan Gruber
3 artworks
Norbert Grund
9 artworks
Jaroslav Grunt
5 artworks
Jaroslav Grus
81 artworks
Josef Grus
4 artworks
Milan Grygar
108 artworks
Max Gubler
1 artwork
Ladislav Guderna
20 artworks
Otto Gutfreund
97 artworks
Hella Guth
9 artworks
Renato Guttuso
1 artwork

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