Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Antonio Molinari
1 artwork
Otto Molitor
3 artworks
Karel Molnár
27 artworks
Vera Molnár
1 artwork
Marie Molová
2 artworks
Joos de ml. Momper
1 artwork
Peder Mork Monsted
1 artwork
Henry Moore
3 artworks
Marcello Morandini
7 artworks
Vlasta Moravcová
1 artwork
Alois Moravec
190 artworks
Jan Moravec
4 artworks
Antonín Morávek
1 artwork
Verdon Morcom
1 artwork
Francois Morellet
10 artworks
Klaus Moritz
3 artworks
Koloman Moser
2 artworks
Miloslav Motl
4 artworks
Miroslav Moucha
16 artworks
Teodor Josef Mousson
6 artworks

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