Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


George Gillis van Haanen
4 artworks
Ašot Haas
1 artwork
Mira Haberernová
6 artworks
Hugo von Habermann
1 artwork
Patrik Hábl
8 artworks
Wenzel Hablik
1 artwork
Alexander Hackenschmied
6 artworks
Jiří Hadlač
64 artworks
Vladimír Hadomský
2 artworks
Václav Haise
5 artworks
Eduard Hájek
2 artworks
Herbert Otto Hájek
1 artwork
Karel Hájek
8 artworks
Ladislav Hájek
1 artwork
Miloslav Hájek
5 artworks
Oskar Hájek
1 artwork
Otakar Hájek
1 artwork
Václav Hájek
1 artwork
Kamila Sára Hájková
1 artwork
Alva Hajn
15 artworks

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