Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Stanislav Novotný
1 artwork
Andrzej Nowacki
1 artwork
Willi Nowak
133 artworks
Jan Nowopacký
58 artworks
Miroslav Nýdl
3 artworks


Karel Oberthor
231 artworks
Zuzana Oberthorová-Popelková
12 artworks
Karel Jaroslav Obrátil
1 artwork
Bohdan Obrovský
2 artworks
Jakub Obrovský
87 artworks
Jan Obšil
2 artworks
Antonín Odehnal
26 artworks
Josef Odráška
1 artwork
Karol Odreička
1 artwork
Vítězslav (Viki) Odstrčil
1 artwork
Jan Odvárka
6 artworks
Stanislav Odvárko
2 artworks
Morgan O'Hara
3 artworks
Leonid Ochrymčuk
46 artworks
Bohuslava Olešová
15 artworks

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