Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Hermann Struck
1 artwork
Jan Thimotheus Strýček
8 artworks
Vladimír Stříbrný
10 artworks
Antonín Střížek
43 artworks
Kamil Stuchlík
7 artworks
Miroslav Stuchlík
25 artworks
Josef Sudek
54 artworks
Nikolaj Michailowitsch Suetin
1 artwork
František Suchánek
5 artworks
Vladimír Suchánek
157 artworks
Stanislav Sucharda
7 artworks
Jaroslav Suchomel
5 artworks
Jiří Suchý
8 artworks
Otomar Suchý
1 artwork
Vladimír Suchý
4 artworks
Pavel Sukdolák
119 artworks
Milada Sukdoláková
5 artworks
Miloš Sum
2 artworks
Alan Sundberg
1 artwork
Karel Sup
3 artworks

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