Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Vladimír Houdek
1 artwork
Václav Houf
22 artworks
Miroslav Houra
195 artworks
Bedřich Housa
16 artworks
Milan Houser
4 artworks
Jiří Houska
1 artwork
Miroslav Houšť
1 artwork
Jaroslav Hovadík
14 artworks
Jan Hovora
1 artwork
Arnošt Hrabal
13 artworks
František Hradecký
1 artwork
Bohumil Hradečný
2 artworks
Josef Hrádek
3 artworks
Emanuel Hradil
2 artworks
Emanuel Hrbek
1 artwork
Václav Hrbek
1 artwork
Michal Hrdý
1 artwork
Vladimír Hroch
17 artworks
Pavel Hromnický (Gromnickij)
2 artworks
František Karel Hron
1 artwork

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