Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Jakub Bauernfreund
10 artworks
Hermann Bauch
3 artworks
Jan Bauch
264 artworks
Paul Baum
1 artwork
Ctibor Bayer
1 artwork
Herbert Bayer
1 artwork
Francoise de Bayros
26 artworks
Miloš Alexander Bazovský
6 artworks
Aubrey Vincent Beardsley
1 artwork
Otto Bébar
1 artwork
Ford Beckman
1 artwork
Štefan Bednár
5 artworks
Leo Bednárik
3 artworks
Eva Bednářová
36 artworks
Tuvia Beeri
1 artwork
Dominik Běhal
1 artwork
Jiří Běhounek
4 artworks
Erhard Beitz
1 artwork
Jaroslav Bejček
1 artwork
Eugène Béjot
1 artwork

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