Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Martina Pytlová
1 artwork


Lothar Quinte
1 artwork
Antonio Quirós
1 artwork
Rudolf Quittner
2 artworks


autoři různí
3 artworks


Ignác Viktorin Raab
5 artworks
Václav Rabas
107 artworks
Julian Henryk Raczko
2 artworks
Pravoslav Rada
4 artworks
Vilém Emil Rada
2 artworks
Vlastimil Rada
72 artworks
Václav Radimský
86 artworks
Jean - Francois Raffaelli
1 artwork
Mikuláš Rachlík
1 artwork
Arnulf Rainer
2 artworks
Lukáš Rais
1 artwork
Jan Rajlich
7 artworks
Jaroslav Antonín Rajlich
1 artwork
Tomáš Rajlich
10 artworks
Vladimír Ralenovský
2 artworks

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