Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


László Mednyanszky
1 artwork
Marek Meduna
2 artworks
Mária Medvecká
1 artwork
Jan Mehl
1 artwork
Howard Mehring
1 artwork
Milan Mejstřík
1 artwork
Václav Mejvald
1 artwork
Petr Melan
29 artworks
Věruna Melčáková-Juneková
5 artworks
Jan Bohdan Melichar
13 artworks
Hermína Melicharová
9 artworks
Juraj Meliš
69 artworks
Émile René Ménard
1 artwork
Václav Menčík
12 artworks
András Mengyán
3 artworks
Oldřich Menhart
2 artworks
Stanislav Menšík
8 artworks
Jan Mentlík
8 artworks
Erich Mercker
1 artwork
Václav Mergl
4 artworks

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