Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Augustin Satra
4 artworks
David Saudek
1 artwork
Jan Saudek
176 artworks
Jan (připsáno) Saudek
3 artworks
Kája Saudek
419 artworks
Ida Saudková
20 artworks
Hendrick Savry
1 artwork
Diet Sayler
5 artworks
Antonio Scaccabarozzi
3 artworks
Emilio Scanavino
3 artworks
Paolo Scirpa
1 artwork
Ronald William Fordham Searle
1 artwork
Jan Sedláček
4 artworks
Vojtěch Sedláček
396 artworks
Klára Sedláčková
4 artworks
Vladimíra Sedláková
10 artworks
Věra Sedláková-Vojtová
1 artwork
Zbyněk Sedlecký
3 artworks
Ivan Sedliský
1 artwork
Klára Sedlo
6 artworks

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