Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Josef Drahoňovský
1 artwork
Veronika Drahotová
1 artwork
Vladimír Drápal
19 artworks
Augustin Drašar
1 artwork
Josef Drha
1 artwork
Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot
1 artwork
Jiří Jaromír Drozd
2 artworks
František Drtikol
136 artworks
Luboš Drtina
1 artwork
Helen Dryden
1 artwork
Valentin Držkovic
13 artworks
Petr Dub
2 artworks
Orest Dubay
32 artworks
Róbert Dúbravec
2 artworks
Andrej Dúbravský
1 artwork
Stanislav Duda
1 artwork
Josef Dudek
53 artworks
Eva Karel Dudešek
1 artwork
Jiří Duffek
1 artwork
Jean Dufy
1 artwork

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