Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Helena Bochořáková-Dittrichová
49 artworks
Henri Boisgontier
1 artwork
Josef Bokšay
8 artworks
Josef Bolf
24 artworks
Guido Bolsamo Stella
1 artwork
Viera Bombová
1 artwork
Victor Bonato
7 artworks
Bob Bonies (Nieuwenhuis)
4 artworks
Igami Bonkotsu
4 artworks
Maria Bonomi
2 artworks
Miloš Boria
4 artworks
Davide Boriani
1 artwork
Adolf Born
365 artworks
Bořivoj Borovský
10 artworks
Sándor Bortnyik
2 artworks
Jindřich Boška
31 artworks
Václav Boštík
411 artworks
Ladislav Boťanský
2 artworks
Jan Botek
4 artworks
Martha Boto
2 artworks

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