Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.

Total amount of authors

3 605

Total amount of art

65 527

Average price increase compared to the startingprice

133 %

Average final price inhammerauctions(2022)

336 351 CZK

Average final price inonlineauctions(2022)

3 021 CZK


Miloslav Klinger
1 artwork
Svatopluk Klír
1 artwork
Miroslav Klivar
3 artworks
Peregrin Jaroslav Kloc
5 artworks
Miroslav Klomínek
1 artwork
Peter Kľučik
21 artworks
Karel Ladislav Klusáček
1 artwork
Johanna Klusáková
2 artworks
Milan Klvaňa
21 artworks
Eva Kmentová
44 artworks
Jan Knap
73 artworks
Miroslav Knap
1 artwork
Milan Knížák
31 artworks
Bohuslav Knobloch
60 artworks
Milan Knobloch
4 artworks
August Hermann Knoop
1 artwork
Aleš Knotek
1 artwork
Oldřich Knotek
1 artwork
Václav (Juhas) Knotek
1 artwork
Beneš Knüpfer
14 artworks

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