Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.

Total amount of authors

3 605

Total amount of art

65 544

Average price increase compared to the startingprice

133 %

Average final price inhammerauctions(2022)

336 351 CZK

Average final price inonlineauctions(2022)

3 021 CZK


Étienne Delessert
1 artwork
Hugo Demarco
2 artworks
Hugo Demartini
33 artworks
Franz Demel
4 artworks
Karel Demel
135 artworks
Oleg Denisenko
1 artwork
André Derain
11 artworks
Henri Deschamps
1 artwork
Paul De Vree
1 artwork
Mukul Dey
1 artwork
Federico Díaz
4 artworks
Narcisse-Virgile Díaz de la Peňa
1 artwork
František Xaver Diblík
7 artworks
Mikoláš Dic
1 artwork
Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach
1 artwork
Erhard Amadeus Dier
2 artworks
Petr Dillinger
104 artworks
Henri Patrice Dillon
1 artwork
Alén Diviš
14 artworks
Miloš Diviš
4 artworks

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