Art prices

Unique database of more than 12 345 auctioned art pieces of Czech and foreign artists. You can see the achieved prices of art, which we have been collecting since 1990, for free after registration.


Eva Burešová
2 artworks
Fritz Burger
1 artwork
Zdeňka Burgetová
8 artworks
Zdeňka Burghauserová
9 artworks
Zdeněk Burian
47 artworks
Vladimíra Buriánová
1 artwork
Antonín Burka
3 artworks
Heinrich Bürkel
2 artworks
Klaus Burkhardt
1 artwork
Spytimír Bursík
2 artworks
Pol Bury
4 artworks
Augustín Buřival
1 artwork
Arturo García Bustos
1 artwork
Miroslav Bystřický
6 artworks


Mikuláš Cacara
2 artworks
Milan Cais
1 artwork
David Cajthaml
2 artworks
Alexander Calder
4 artworks
Antonio Calderara
1 artwork
Jacques Callot
3 artworks

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Current auction

Exclusive selection of fine arts

Sunday 16/6/2024, Topičův salon

More about the auction

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